Artemisia – a low cost miracle worker

Artemisia – a low cost miracle worker

Congratulations on communicating this most important subject concerning malaria treatment. It has been known for a long time that Artemisia works miracles at low cost (my husband used it to treat himself for malaria) and it seems incomprehensible that this treatment is so poorly known. Of course, we know the reasons for the laboratories' reluctance…  

Véronique Anger-de Friberg  - @changerdere)

Fondatrice, présidente Forum Changer d'Ère (Les Di@logues Stratégiques)

La Maison de l'Artemisia - This plant can save millions of lives

Véronique Anger-de Friberg  - @changerdere)

Fondatrice, présidente Forum Changer d'Ère (Les Di@logues Stratégiques)

Congratulations on communicating this most important subject concerning malaria treatment. It has been known for a long time that Artemisia works miracles at low cost (my husband used it to treat himself for malaria) and it seems incomprehensible that this treatment is so poorly known. Of course, we know the reasons for the laboratories' reluctance…