April 25, 2024: a mobilised network

Malaria Awareness Day, was the opportunity for the network of 130 Artemisia Houses to mobilise around a week of activities including organising conferences, radio broadcasts, raising awareness and distributing herbal tea in schools, markets and door-to-door to the most disadvantaged. These initiatives testify to the determination and solidarity of Artemisia Houses and their partners in the fight against malaria. Here’s an overview of the initiatives we’ve undertaken.

Congo Brazzaville

The National Artemisia House in Congo Brazzaville together with its partners organised a major awareness-raising day across the country. This year, the famous Congolese singer Zao remastered his “hit” song “Moustique”, to raise awareness among young people, pregnant women and mothers through music, and to better combat this disease thanks to Artemisia. The new song was broadcast throughout the French-speaking network.

Awareness-raising on social networks by Somédia and the NGO EDDEN

Somédia, a partner in the initiative, broadcast the remix of Zao’s song on social networks from Pointe Noire. The NGO EDDEN, a major agro-ecology training farm, amplified this awareness from Brazzaville by also sharing the remix on its Facebook page, reinforcing its commitment to the fight against malaria. The initiative reached out to a wider, younger audience and communicated joyfully through music.

Awareness-raising and free distribution of Artemisia in the Likouala region

The Likouala Artemisia House, together with Sister Joan Ify and the Association ACCOPA, prepared, distributed and offered free Artemisia to the population of Likouala, a region sorely lacking in doctors and medical facilities. This initiative was accompanied by a call to maintain a clean, mosquito-free environment, underlining the importance of malaria prevention at community level.

Raising awareness among women in Pointe Noire with ACBEF

The Association Congolaise pour le Bien-Être Familial (ACBEF), opened its doors at the Pointe Noire Tchamba Nzassi Artemisia House, to raise awareness among some thirty women. Thanks to the involvement of Sammy Mifoundou, President of the Congo Brazzaville National Artemisia House, who was visiting Pointe Noire, and Julia FELLAY, Treasurer of the ACBEF, this initiative raised awareness of malaria prevention within this female community. Infants, children under five and pregnant women all run a higher risk of serious infection. By 2022, WHO estimates that 12.7 million pregnancies (36%) in Africa will be exposed to malaria infection, resulting in 914,000 low-birth-weight babies.

Raising awareness among healthcare personnel in Brazzaville

Dr. Clémence and Florian Marchadour, Artemisia House representatives for Central and East Africa, led an awareness-raising session for healthcare staff at the CMCO clinic. These future doctors and healthcare executives will be in contact with many patients, so it’s vital to target the medical network. This activity was punctuated by a few dance steps to the music of Zao, adding a touch of conviviality to this important initiative.

Awareness-raising stand in Moungali (Brazzaville) in front of La Clémence pharmacy

An awareness-raising stand was set up to inform and educate the public on how to prevent malaria. This on-the-ground presence enabled us to reach community members directly and reinforce their understanding of the disease. Pharmacies and health centres are essential levers for spreading knowledge about Artemisia.



Mamadou Sy, head of the Artemisia House in Tekane, Mauritania, launched a major awareness campaign at the Tekane community pharmacy. This community pharmacy, which houses the Artemisia House, is an integrated health center and a particularly active relay in Tekane for reaching the local population.

– awareness of the work of the Artemisia House and presentation of Artemisia afra and annua

– raising awareness of malaria, presenting treatments and preventive and curative actions.

– tasting of Artemisia annua and afra herbal teas.

– distribution of kits containing mosquito nets and Artemisia annua herbal tea sachets.

Watch the video

Democratic  Republic of Congo

Lubumbashi Artemisia House

The anti-malaria day took place in rural areas with farmers to introduce them to the cultivation of Artemisia. The tea was also distributed and tasted.

Kindu Artemisia House

A major door-to-door awareness-raising day to reach out to the most disadvantaged. Teams visited the Kindu central prison, the national insurance company, the town hall and the Caisse Nationale du Congo to reach out to people with disabilities. The theme of this year’s anti-malaria day was: for a more equitable world. In particular, it was aimed at the most vulnerable populations.

Press Article on radio Okapi (in French)

Kisantu Artemisia House

Ambassadors from the Artemisia House in Kisantu visited schools and markets to raise awareness of the three pillars of the fight against malaria: taking Artemisia tea as a preventive and curative measure, intra- and peri-domiciliary sanitation, and setting up mosquito repellent hedges with Artemisia.

Kinshasa Artemisia House

Dr Pika Longila wrote an article in the local press: “Artemisia is an effective solution against malaria”.

Read the article (in French)

Goma Artemisia House

Awareness-raising day organised in Goma at the Artemisia House office for a local population very vulnerable to the political situation in the country. Actions have been and are being organised in the camps for displaced persons, where the very poor sanitary conditions are causing many deaths and numerous cases of malaria. Dr Patient Kaloma, the DRC coordinator, is very active in the camps, distributing free herbal tea. The Goma Artemisia House has prepared a 5-minute film to raise awareness among farmers and plant Artemisia afra, a perennial bush that also repels mosquitoes, around the camps.

Ivory Coast

The Artemisia House in Man organised a radio program, herbal tea sales and tastings, and awareness-raising events at the large local market, reaching a varied population of all ages unfamiliar with the plant.


Magaria Artemisia House

An awareness-raising day focused on students and women. Discussions were held with biology Masters students at the André Salissou University in Zinder. Students are fundamental relays in malaria prevention. Emphasis was also placed on women in the village of Gada in the Magaria department.

Niamey Artemisia House

A presentation of the Artemisia House’s activities and Artemisia’s preventive actions was organised at the Taweydo gallery. Awareness-raising activities also took place in various districts of the capital, with an Artemisia caravan, discussions and debates, and herbal tea tastings.


The Kamgorio-Moundou Artemisia House offered herbal tea to children, especially street children, adults and the elderly.


Gidole Artemisia House

The Artemisia House of Gidole organised, with GPDA – Gardula Peoples Development Association, a major Artemisia tea awareness day at the Gato elementary school.  

Gado Artemisia House

The Gado Artemisia House went to meet middle-school students at Shelale College in Southern Ethiopia. Artemisia House trainer Terefe Dagne explained how to plant, grow and use Artemisia tea.


Bangui Artemisia House was invited to take part in a round-table discussion on Central African radio station Ndeke Luka. Lucie Peters, president of the Artemisia House and a nurse, spoke about the association’s actions, the Artemisia House’s role in the fight against malaria in CAR and the presentation of the plant.

Excerpt from the program (in French)


The Artemisia House in Lablé-Bafia was mobilised to raise awareness in the streets and villages to reach vulnerable populations, particularly in one of the town’s large weekly markets.


Mali’s National Artemisia House organized a screening of the Malaria Business film at Bafing restaurant in Bamako, in the presence of Professor Moussa Niangaly of the Malaria Research Training Center and a panel of professionals. A film and a day that captivated the audience.


PALES, a local association dedicated to capacity-building and training that we met in October during our mission to Africa’s Great Lakes, organised an awareness-raising day in the village of Runazi, for the local population and schoolchildren.

Watch the video

By using varied and complementary approaches, the Artemisia House network is demonstrating its agility and ability to mobilise its communities to advance malaria prevention thanks to Artemisia. Moving forward together!