Nord Kivu Artemisia House
In 2018, forced to leave the Kaloma Center site, he created the Sainte Catherine medical and social center. And contacted Lucile Cornet Vernet in 2018. He secured initial funding from La Maison de l’Artemisia France to launch the Artemisia House in Goma. He started raising awareness. At the same time, an international NGO, IDAy, approached him to facilitate Artemisia training in several regions. While in Goma, he met Dr Nathan, then coordinator of the DRC National Artemisia House, who appointed him head of the North Kivu Artemisia House.
In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic reshuffled the deck. Overwhelmed by orders for Artemisia, and in constant demand, he built new headquarters for the North Kivu Artemisia House, with the support of the Maison de l’Artemisia France. He helps numerous local associations, and with his Belgian friend, Elena, created the non-profit organization SESAM (Semons la souveraineté alimentaire et médecine). The project aims to improve the living conditions of the local population, in health, social, environmental and financial terms. SESAM supports a network of associations and cooperatives to share seed storage and knowledge, as well as the creation and maintenance of medicinal nurseries and community gardens. The aim is to empower people in the field of natural and community health. SESAM is home to Petit Nord Kivu Artemisia House, which develops community health promotion activities using Artemisia in the eastern DRC.
But a few months later, just as the first fields were being planted, a volcanic eruption wiped out the entire crop. The population fled the town of Goma to take refuge in camps for the displaced, and some members of the network lost their homes. In response to the emergency, La Maison de l’Artemisia France provided support, supplying survival kits for the victims and helping to replant a new field.
Soon afterwards, Dr. Patient opened a pharmacy with his wife and began to raise awareness among scouts. Other provinces called on him to give training courses or take part in workshops and seminars on Artemisia. Nicknamed Doctor Artemisia throughout the region, he has saved hundreds of lives, cured thousands of people of malaria, and spread knowledge of the plant among local populations, associations and government bodies. But a new ordeal once again upended his plans: war. Members of the network left their villages, some died, others survived in camps for displaced persons. The Artemisia House and SESAM headquarters were transformed into a reception center for the displaced. Dr Patient and his wife, traumatized by the violence, could no longer sleep, their fields occupied by the rebels. They set up a village savings and credit association so that farmers could sell a little Artemisia and invest in income-generating activities.